Sussex County Negligent Security Lawyers

If you were harmed because of negligent security in an apartment complex, at a concert, or virtually anywhere else, there’s a strong chance you’ll qualify for compensation. However, you’ll need a team of knowledgeable Sussex County negligent security lawyers in your corner who can assess your case and uncover all evidence needed to satisfy the burden of proof on your behalf, even in the likely absence of surveillance footage.

security guard

Contact Laddey Clark & Ryan, LLP today to schedule your free consultation with our firm.

Negligent Security Lawyers: Fighting for You

Over the years, we at Laddey Clark & Ryan, LLP have prided ourselves on fighting for accident victims of all kinds here in Sussex County, and we are prepared to put our knowledge and steadfast dedication to work for you. Speak with the Sussex County injury lawyers here at our firm today so we can get started working on your case.

Examples of Negligent Security

Unfortunately, there is a wide array of ways in which negligent security, or a complete lack of security altogether, can lead to very serious accidents and injuries. Just some examples of negligent security are as follows:

  • Malfunctioning security cameras or a lack of security cameras where there should be
  • No working alarms in elevators or other critical areas
  • No working door locks for entryways of apartment buildings
  • An absence of security guards where there should be, such as places where alcohol is served, like concerts
  • Landlords/building owners ignoring complaints of suspicious individuals lurking in lobbies
  • Failure by landlords to have security cameras services regularly to ensure they are consistently working

If you were harmed due to any of the aforementioned circumstances, there is a very strong chance you’ll have a valid premises liability claim. Our negligent security lawyer is here to help.

Suing for Negligent Security

To win a negligent security claim, you’ll have to prove that you were injured as a direct result of the negligent security. For example, if you were mugged and assaulted in an area where there have been several prior assaults or other types of criminal activity over the last few months due to an absence of security cameras, and your assault likely would have been deterred had the landlord installed surveillance cameras in this area, you should have a valid claim.

Likewise, if you were somewhere security guards clearly should have been present but weren’t and were injured due to the negligent behavior of an intoxicated individual that could have been prevented had security been present, you may also have a valid claim. Ultimately, it’s paramount you hire a competent attorney who can assess the circumstances of your case and pursue the best possible strategy on your behalf.

Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyers Today

The bottom line is that if you were harmed due to negligent security and now require financial compensation to heal, you can turn to us for help. Contact Laddey Clark & Ryan, LLP today to schedule your free initial consultation with our competent legal team. We’re ready to fight for you, every step of the way.

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